22 September 2008

Lowongan Pekerjaan Anak Matematika

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Kamu lulusan matematika? Susah cari kerja? Coba saja situs ini, MathJobs.org, situs yang disponsori oleh American Mathematical Society.

Mathjobs.org is an automated job application system, sponsored by the American Mathematical Society. We serve all job applicants with advanced degrees in Mathematics, and employers (academic or industrial) searching for mathematicians. The system is free for applicants. Applicant data is confidential, unless the applicant makes it public to enrolled employers by selecting the "Free agent" choice on the coversheet. After registration and data entry, applicants can apply for jobs, keep track of applications, print out paper coversheets, and invite their reference writers to submit letters into the system. Employers can conduct their recruiting entirely online, without setting up and maintaining their own servers and databases. The only requirement for employers is they have web access.

Semoga membantu...

20 September 2008

kembali ke alamnya

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daripada susah-susah ngatur domain di .co.cc, mending balik lagi aja ah...